



Heritage assets, Recognition, Measurement, Disclosure


Purpose: This study investigates how heritage assets are recognized, measured, and disclosed by museums. 

Method: A documentary research was carried out focusing on a quantitative approach. It was analyzed financial statements of 42 Australian, 25 New Zealand, and 171 English museums, totaling a sample of 238 entities. Data were analyzed considering the dimensions defined in items of AASB 116, PBE IPSAS 17, and FRS 102 standards. 

Results: The results of the documentary analysis revealed the adoption of different practices, either when looking at museums in the same country or when making a comparison between countries. In Australia, museums predominantly capitalize their heritage assets, while in the United Kingdom most museums have adopted the mixed approach or have not recognized these assets. New Zealand, in turn, presents an intermediate scenario, with entities divided between these two possibilities. 

Contributions: The study contributes to understanding the limits regarding the application of the current standards, leading to discussions on the most appropriate approach in the context of the investigated organizations. 

Keywords: Heritage assets. Recognition. Measurement. Disclosure. 


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How to Cite

Pires, C., Niyama, J. K. ., Beuren, I. M. ., & Ott, E. (2022). HERITAGE ASSETS: RECOGNITION, MEASUREMENT AND DISCLOSURE IN MUSEUMS. Advances in Scientific and Applied Accounting, 15(1), 054–067/068. https://doi.org/10.14392/asaa.2022150103




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